The skimmer has high pickup capacity. Light oils can be removed at 1200 litres per day (LPD). Medium oil 2700 litres per day. Heavy oil 6500 litres per day. The higher the viscosity of the contaminants, the faster Drizit's Tube Skimmer does its job.
You will be surprised at how quickly the Drizit Tube Skimmer can pay for itself… it offers you saving through reduced labour, eliminated water or liquid contamination, and less need to use treatment chemicals.
Lastly, many of our customers have discovered yet another major advantage to the tube skimmer: the oil that it skims can often be reclaimed for further use or even sold to recyclers. Thus, Drizit can help turn your "problem" into a profitable situation in these energy-starved times.
The Drizit Tube Skimmer offers you exceptionally low maintenance. For example, the external parts which contact grit-laden oil on the collector tube are space-age, high abrasion-resistant ceramic. These include the drive wheel, scrapers and pressure blocks. Other internal components, such as gears, and bearing, are of high-strength steel and bronze.
The gearing is engineered to eliminate a big strain when in use, and thus requires minimal power demands. And you don't have to be a graduate engineer to service the unit. You will be surprised at how quickly the Drizit Tube Skimmer's simple design not only eliminates frequent maintenance, but can makes whatever maintenance you have to perform two-three procedure.